Keeping you up-to-date on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,
including news, trailers, interviews, screenshots, theories, and more.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Uncharted Movie Details

(click the blog entry title to link to the article)

Well there's very little being said about U2:AT right now, so here's something I dug up just to whet my Uncharted appetite-
there had been rumors about a movie, but apparently it's actually going to happen!

Chatter on the internet has Nathan Fillion as a favorite to play Drake. I can see it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Second Trailer

From what I've heard, this trailer was done in real time. Fortunately, Uncharted's game engine and cutscenes were always really close in quality, so we should be looking at some pretty sweet graphics, naturally.

And this little snippet just REALLY makes me want to play the game- it looks exciting and gorgeous, and Nolan North just jumped right back in there with the voice acting. Can't wait.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The First Trailer

Well, I guess we're not in the jungle anymore.