Keeping you up-to-date on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,
including news, trailers, interviews, screenshots, theories, and more.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

René Auberjonois in Uncharted 2

(click blog entry title to link to interview)

Now I'm not really a huge Star Trek: Deep Space Nine junkie, and I don't really know who Odo is. But the actor who played him is going to be in Uncharted 2, playing a character named Karl Schafer (about whom I know nothing).

Neat little interview, he talks about what it's like to to mo-cap, as well as Uncharted's ties to serialized adventure films of the 30's.

Looking forward to seeing how this character ties in.

No, I Don't Think We'll Be Needing a Bigger Gun.

(click blog entry title to link to screenshots)

PS3-Sense is in some foreign language but they just put up a whole crapton of new screenshots of the multiplayer.

Oh yeah, and Chloe's there too I guess.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Amazon Preorders Yield Goodies!

(click blog entry title to link to article)

Amazon preorders of U2:AT will include a downloadable goody-- a "treasure map" that shows you where all the hidden treasures are in the game.

This could be cool, or totally a rip off, I think. It makes me think that there was some problems in playtesting where the players had a hard time finding the treasures. Either that or Amazon wants a monopoly.

Also inFamous released today. Go get your Multiplayer Beta Code!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Info on the New Bad Guy!

(click blog entry title to link to article)

So here's some cool information about the game and the footage we've seen.
One, you can play that early part with the running at the camera. I'm not surprised, mind you, because that's that thing that Naughty Dog always freaking does, but the point here is that the graphics are that good all around, not just in cut scenes.

Also, the bad guy is named Lazaravic, and he's some kind of Serbian war criminal who is now racing Nate to the Cintamanti Stone and also wants to kill him. Nice guy, huh.

That's all for now.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Longer Video of Gameplay!!!

(blog entry title to link if needed)

I am in the library writing a final paper so I can't watch the video yet. Expect an edit later when I get around to it.

EDIT: I took a break.
Oh my cod.

So just a real quick first impression thing in between writing stuff.
Graphics are beautiful of course. Looks like the grenade mechanics got improved A LOT. Riot shield is totally cool, and the stealth kills look excellent. They weren't kidding when they said they were making it "another tool in the toolbox." Also is that precision/laser sighting on the AK? There was some kind of red dot target thing at least.

Also Nathan Drake is still basically me. I said to myself "nice parking" about 2 seconds before he did. This is a good thing.

Oh, yeah, one more thing.
That is all.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Single Player Gameplay Footage

(you can click the blog entry title to link to the video if there's any problem with it)

So yes, it's the same footage that was leaked.
But what a difference the HD makes. No comparison of quality AT ALL. The details are gorgeous, down to the very last brick. It's not a jungle, but it's full of color. I had my sound turned up, and the bus was just awesome, it really sounds like you're there in the street.

The melee looks like it might be the same kind of thing, which I like. Even if there are less buttons involved, which is a possibility, it still looks so freaking cool.

The blood is black, though. Not sure what's up with that, maybe because of global censoring issues? I know that violence is censored in like Japan and other places, so maybe it's just a place holder for now.

It looks like it takes less shots to kill guys in this one. I thought that armored opponents were supposed to be harder to kill. Maybe it's just demo-related stuff.

Also. I was very sad on the inside when Drake said "I need to find Chloe."
I still have no desire to find Chloe. But. That's just me.

All in all, it looks GREAT and I seriously want to play this game SO HARD.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Single Player Footage Debuts Tomorrow!

(click blog entry title to link to blog)

According to GameTrailers host Geoff Keighley's Twitter, we'll be seeing some official single-player footage Thursday night.

It will most likely be the same stuff we saw leaked and from that level we keep seeing all over the place, the bombed out city thing, but still. We'll hopefully get some nice quality visuals and some insight as to what's the dealio!

Monday, May 11, 2009

E3 Beta

(click to link to blog)

So this random dude on his blog claims that maybe there will be an Uncharted beta demo at E3. It's only a rumor, but I would not be surprised.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Realism in Screenshots

(click blog entry title to link to another posting of the screenshot)
(also click the picture to see the whole thing. I've really got to fix this blog layout or something.)

Playstation Lifestyle is all "hey, look at this mad excellent screenshot, it's totally all realistic!"

No kidding.

Friday, May 8, 2009

AP Mini-Profile on Nolan North

(click blog entry title to link to article)


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Qore Subscribers Get Multiplayer Voucher

(click blog entry title to link)

Annual subscribers to Qore magazine (which I guess is Sony's digital magazine) get the multiplayer beta voucher with the next issue, rather than having to buy inFamous.

If you subscribe by May 15th, you are also eligible for it. Good marketing strategy, that.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Shittonne of Links

(click on the blog entry title to link to...the links)

This is the Naughty Dog-compiled delicious site list thing that has like, every single link about the multiplayer news.

I mean, we've seen all this info. And I've linked to like half of it. But just in case you REALLY want to see all the other links floating around, here they are. Just to be thorough.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Downloadable Content!

(click the blog entry title to link to article)

I haven't watched the whole video yet, but according to the article attached they mention:
--jungle environments in addition to urban ones. This is good, natch.
-downloadable content maybe!? If the rumors and question dodging is the same like it was with the multiplayer, that's pretty much a guaranteed yes, isn't it?
-some other character as a sidekick that is not Chloe. I'm pretty sure that means Sully at least, since he was brought up as a multiplayer character word on Elena in particular, obvi, because they like to torture me.

More later.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Podcast About U2:AT

(click blog entry title to link to podcast--it's a quicktime mp3)

EDIT: I finally listened to this thing, and they don't talk about Uncharted until the end, and it's like for two seconds about multiplayer and a little about news embargoes. Boring.