Keeping you up-to-date on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,
including news, trailers, interviews, screenshots, theories, and more.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Exactly What It Says on the Tin

Perhaps you were saying to yourself "man, I really wish I could have seen what the Sony/Uncharted 2 booth looked like at GamesCom. Also, I have a strange desire to listen to pseudo-Tibetan trippy adventure music. And NO commentary is necessary, thanks." Look no farther, my friend. This video delivers.

Singleplayer + Multiplayer = A Whole Uncharted Experience

(click blog entry title to link to article)

Here's a really neat article about the multiplayer and some of the cool stuff we haven't really had explained much.

For instance, remember how there was a cash system mentioned that you could use to buy new upgrades and such? Well the single player campaign also earns you cash, and you can use it to buy skins and art as well as the player upgrades. Also some other neat stuff, like talking through the headset animates your characters lips, as well as the frequently mentioned cinema mode where you can edit games to look awesome.

Part of me keeps thinking "this is so ambitious, it's probably going to fall short in some way." But I'm crossing my fingers that Naughty Dog is as awesome as they usually are.

EDIT: Anonymous sent me to a video of an interview about cinema mode Check it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Apparently Tomb Raider Has the Monopoly on Puzzles

(click blog entry title to link to article)

Here's just a tiny little article blurb thing, but it appears that someone asked a question of Evan Wells that implied that Uncharted 2 is "slowly becoming very similar to Eidos' Tomb Raider series, as it placed a bigger emphasis on puzzle solving." Wells defended by saying that it's a 60/40 split-- 60% action, 40% adventure.

Now stop me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that including puzzles to solve in order to advance does not make a game a Tomb Raider knockoff :/

Friday, August 28, 2009

I Can't Place His Accent, But He Has A Lot to Say

(click blog entry title to link to Evan Wells' tweet about the following video interview)

This guy is the fastest talker, and the most adorable dork I've ever seen. Also he says "character" about 16 billion times but GODDAMNIT that's what I love Uncharted for, so that's totally okay with me.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Naughty Dog Lets PS3 Owners Feel Smug

(click blog entry title to link to article)

In case anyone had any lingering doubts, Uncharted will NOT be ported to Xbox. This surprises and disappoints no one but rabid Xbox fanboys people who forgot that Naughty Dog is fully owned by Sony.

As mentioned, Naughty Dog's job with Uncharted 2 is "to make the PS3 shine."

And shine it does, Mr. Balestra. Shine it does.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How'd I Miss This One?

Here's another interview with Arne Meyer at GamesCom. You have to sit through the slo-mo trailer again but hey, it's totally worth seeing again.

Also, I didn't realize that this was the very first time the single-player was available to play for the average gamer. I keep forgetting that video game journalists get exclusive gaming privileges, and the only thing that normal people were playing was the beta. Now I know what I want to do when I grow up :P

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chloe Cinematic

If you're paying attention, this cinematic actually DOES have what seems to be a tiny plot spoiler. It's little, and you may not catch it, and it may not mean what I think it means, but it is there.

So this isn't actually a trailer, but rather a cutscene from the game. We've seen what leads up to it, and what comes after it, but now we've got a little bit to tie them together. I noticed that we haven't seen their trip to the hotel, which makes me wonder if that's when we encounter Elena and Jeff.

I'm kind of amused at the way I've been trying to piece together all the stuff we've seen into a coherent narrative flow. I think I've got a rough outline of the physical traversal, but obviously all the fun stuff with characters is missing.

Speaking of missing, where's Sully in these levels?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

GamesCom Coverage and Interview

FYI: The level that was demoed at GamesCom was what we saw at the beginning of July on G4 TV, the "Heart of Ice" puzzle level. There isn't any footage of it, but here's a write-up on it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You Climb Up the SIDE of the Train

(click blog entry title to link to new screens)

You can take a look at the set of 9 new screenshots, but the ones I'm REALLY interested in are the train-related ones (because the train level has the potential to be the most badass thing ever coded in the world). The particular shot linked to above shows Drake climbing DESPITE HIS CRAZY WOUND ("That's a LOT of my blood.") ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TRAIN. Plus, check it out! Remember those rusty yellow pipes from outside the bunker in the first game? They make a cameo! How's it going, guys?

I get more excited every day!

Trailer #3- "Fortune Favors"

Thanks to my compulsive need to check Twitter, I can bring you the new trailer for Uncharted 2 from GamesCom.


Also, let me note that the PS3 Slim has been officially announced to launch September 1st, as well as a price drop to $299. For those of you who've been beating around the bush in buying a PS3, this fall isn't a bad time to do it.

EDIT: I just noticed that Sir Francis Drake's ring is back. Nate wears the necklace in quite a few scenes in the trailer, although not all of them. This is veeeery interesting because we haven't seen it in any U2:AT promotional material yet; I'd assumed he didn't have it anymore for some reason (which was also my reasoning for the theory that this was a prequel, way way back in January when the only info we had was the first teaser trailer). This is something I'll be keeping an eye out for.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Location Comparisons-- Just Like Real Life!

(click blog entry title, or photo link below)

Again, some interesting side-by-side comparisons. This time, it's real locations in Kathmandu up against images from the game. Click here to observe the insane amount of detail Naughty Dog put into constructing a virtual world that evokes the actual city.

EDIT: People comparisons as well: here you can see just how much the character design has improved, particularly the polygon count and textures. The hair looks AMAZING.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Screenshot Comparisons

(You don't have to click through the link to see this cool business, but out of journalistic integrity I provided my source.)

Through some dude and some website called Neogaf or something this other website came across a most excellent image where they put screenshots of the original Uncharted promo video up against shots from U:DF, up against screenshots from U2:AT.

Click here and be AMAZED.

LOOK AT THAT. THAT'S INSANE. It's hilarious how people were saying when the first video came out "oh, it looks so realistic!" I know I was saying that anyway. Then the finished product came out and it was even crazier. And now U2:AT is arriving and it's all "BITCH PLZ, YOU AIN'T SEEN SHIT!!!"

One thing though-- I miss Nate's baseball shirt and Converse sneakers. I always play U:DF with the baseball t-shirt skin. Way awesome, let me tell you.

Revenge Will Be Sweet

(click blog entry post to link to news article)

If you were wondering what the "Revenge" attribute reward thing from pre-ordering at GameStop did, read about it at the above link, or in the next sentence.

Apparently if you have it equipped and get killed, it drops a live grenade that goes off 3 seconds after you die, probably killing the player who just kicked you to sleep.

This will make me feel way better when 13-year-olds sneak up on me and generally be d-bags.

Old Footage, New Commentary

(click blog entry title to link to blog post with footage...or watch below!)

What we have here in this video is "new" game footage that we actually have seen before. BUT here you can watch it with commentary from two fellow nerds who point out some cool stuff.

Now I was impressed that the dude here caught Elena in the corner-- I didn't see her there originally. But I'm pretty sure that he's wrong about this being the first time they see each other. Elena clearly already knows Chloe at this point, and if you will recall the footage from the E3 trailer it was sunny out and our adventurous trio was going through the introductions. So they've CLEARLY already met up before this point. But I'm just being nitpicky now :P

Another cool thing is that stuff changes as you play-- you can either kill the dude attacking Chloe or not, and she'll kill him herself. This goes along with the gameplay we saw in the Helicopter Roof Fight level where depending on when and where you enter, furniture can help you take out dudes as it falls out the window and such. Similar goes for the rocket launcher dude who blows open the gate (presumably).

Now one more thing I noticed here this time around-- I'm wondering if perhaps this is a point where Chloe betrays Nate? It seems that she was trying really hard to get them to GTFO as fast as possible, maybe because she had some kind of deal with whoever has showed up at the end of the clip, and now that they couldn't get out she needs to make it look like she has them trapped and will hand them over. So maybe she WAS being altruistic to Nate by trying to get him out of there before the dudes showed up and forced her hand. Maybe.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How Appropriate!

(click blog entry title to link to article)

Manveer Heir at Gamasutra wrote an interesting article about the topic that just so happens to be this week's poll question. Without giving too much away, he did not like "the twist" because it forced him to drastically change fighting styles.

This pleases me because it gives me an excuse to talk about my personal Uncharted experience, which was altogether a hilarious occasion, provided you weren't ME.

When I first encountered the Wham Level I was too scared out of my pants to really notice or care that the fighting style had changed. In fact, I immediately adjusted to it out of necessity. Dammit, something's charging me? SHOOT THE FUCK OUT OF IT HOLY CRAP AHHHH!!! My guy friends actually started screaming because I was screaming so much (in the girly, jumpy scared way) that it freaked them out just as much as it did me. And I was so scared of it that I HATED it (my friends found the whole thing quite entertaining though).

It wasn't until much later I read someone's analysis that basically pointed out the gameplay change, and how in the level leading up to the church shootout with Sully you are forced to switch between tactics as the two factions fight each other (a gameplay mechanic that Hennig and Wells mentioned in the interview, btw, will be returning in U2:AT). And then it hit me: what a great idea! Changing the tactics made the initial level scarier; you're being thrown out of your element, forced to adapt. After that point, when the supernatural shit has fully hit the fan so to speak, the gameplay reflects this by forcing you to switch and know what's what and how to deal. BRILLIANT!

Now when I play it, knowing what's coming, it's way more fun and tolerable. Still freaky, of course, even though it's lost that initial horror that you get when you're first watching a scary movie and you don't know what to expect. But far more doable now that I know what I'm doing and, more importantly, why.

So I'm sorry to have to disagree with Mr. Heir, but I'll be looking forward to a similar twist in the sequel, one that forces me-- after the initial rush of the story has subsided-- to step back and actually think about the game I'm playing, and evaluate what the game designers want me to experience and learn and why they chose to do what they did. It's called intelligent gaming, my friend. And I like it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nathan Drake's Resume

(click blog entry title to link to resume)

"Saved entire world from unknown ancient disease."
L. O. L.

1Up continues to entertain me. And also provide with tiny excellent details, like the fact that Nate and Sully totally opened a bar between games, the rather aptly named "Sully's Bar" (presumably the Playstation Home bar).

Nice screenshots too, if you click on the links included in the resume.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Officially Known As "The Three-Quarter Tuck"

(click blog entry title to link to interview)

Please check out the Hennig/Wells interview. It is quite funny, and has lots of excellent information, like speculation on whether or not Drake is a sociopath, why there won't be a single-player demo, how many languages we'll hear, and the difference between player choice versus player interpretation of character arcs. Plus a little commentary on "the half-tuck."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2. The Uncharted 2 Blog Doesn't Take Itself Too Seriously

(Click blog entry title to link to Day 2 of Uncharted week)

Today at 1Up, a cool long post about a visit to Naughty Dog.

Feel free to peruse it at your leisure, but here are some highlights:

--The combat-to-puzzles/exploration ratio in U2:AT will be closer to 60/40, or ever 50/50 depending on how you play (as opposed to the 70/30 ratio of U:DF).
--Drake is exploring with someone about 75% of the game. Amy Hennig continues to be the coolest person ever, claiming that this is so Drake doesn't look crazy anymore by shooting off one-liners when no one is around to hear him. (EXCEPT I DO THAT TOO. I thought it was okay cause Drake did it. I guess I'm crazy as well.)
--Not lame "boss battles," aka not quick-time event battles.
--Drake does not drive vehicles in this one. Only shooting. Probably cause it's manlier than driving a jet-ski.

If you've ever wondered what Drake looks like with a legit beard, this is it.

Also, if you will examine this photo of the junk in the men's room for long-hour-working programmers, I would like to call attention to the Windex. Apparently this counts as a hygiene product? I guess Naughty Dog employees are fans of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

And I particularly love this photo, which is where the entry title comes from.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Uncharted 2 Week at 1UP!

(click blog entry title to link to article hub)

Once again, Twitter directs me to some awesome media coverage.

Today we get some nifty factoids (over 30,000 cans of soda [and 1 bottle of bourbon] were consumed over the 2 years of Uncharted 2's production!) and some new screenshots (including the train!).

You can click through the link to the hub and check out what they've got coming this week, culminating with 5 minutes of new game footage on Friday. I'll be posting all of the coverage here as well of course.

Also, HOW COOL is the cover story image!? It's like an awesome pulp magazine cover. Love it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Need A New Title for Screenshot Posts

(click blog entry title to link directly to screenshots)

(click image to view full size)

These screenshots aren't really new; they're all screencaps from the E3 trailer. But they are REALLY nice quality screenshots, many of which would make excellent desktop wallpapers. The detail in them is superb.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Limited Edition Info

(click blog entry title to link to blog post)

This (sadly poor quality) image is rumored to be the box art for the Collector's Edition that we have only been teased with.

Hopefully there will be some info soon about it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

For Convenient Desktop Counting

So let's say that you, like me, have a rather pressing need to know just how much time there is until the Uncharted 2 release, down to the last second. It's quite helpful, then, that I have installed a nifty little countdown clock at the top of the blog, wouldn't you agree?

What's that you say? You have neither the time nor patience to access the internet and navigate to this delightful little blog every time you want to check how much longer you must wait until gaming Nirvana is achieved? WELL my friend, have I got news for you!

Informing me via Naughty Dog's Twitter feed, it appears that "Lord Error," another hardcore Uncharted fan who uses his free time in similarly fangirlish constructive ways, has created a most excellent Uncharted 2 release date countdown widget for your Mac or PC.

It comes in large and small sizes (for those with limited desktop space), and has a cool little treasure chest that will open upon release date (the release date can be adjusted for those in the EU). The animation also accumulates snow that can be cleared off by clicking the chest, and after the release you can continue to use it as a normal clock.

Please enjoy. I certainly do.

Uncharted 2 at Lollapalooza

(click blog entry title to link to Twitter post)

In shame and remorse for slipping in my bloggy duties regarding All Points West, I bring you news, via Twitter as per usual, about Playstation's presence at another music festival.

Presumably Sony is helping to sponsor Lollapalooza, as there is a Playstation tent there this weekend (starting Friday, August 7th). Uncharted 2 will be available for demo play all three days. If you are in the Chicago area, please check it out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Last of the SDCC Stuff, I Swear

(click blog entry title to link to video)

Here's some more video highlights from the SDCC panel (found through Twitter), as well as the Japanese version of the E3 trailer (also found through, you guessed it, Twitter).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nobody Told Me This!!!

(click blog entry title to link to Twitter post)

Apparently there was a Playstation booth at All Points West, which is a big music festival that was in Jersey this weekend. And according to this Twitter post by Naughty Dog, Uncharted 2 was there for demo playing. This is the very first I'm hearing about it, and I'm REALLY upset I didn't know because I was thinking about going this year but decided not to because the only things I kept hearing about APW was that Coldplay was there who I do not like. If I had known about any sort of gaming presence I would have gone.

Super disappointed in myself over this, especially since this is also important news that I didn't have posted on time. Sorry about that you guys.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

If You're The One Person From Mongolia, Let Us Know!

(click blog entry title to link to article)

Yesterday, ND co-prez Christophe Balestra told us through Twitter the numbers on the beta, specifically how many people used it and where they were globally. There were 130,543 gamers total, 63% of which were in America.