Keeping you up-to-date on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

More Single-Player Coverage

(click blog entry title to link to write-up)

One more article on the single-player levels we haven't seen. And yes, the camera-man's name is Jeff.

EDIT: Added the IGN write-up too. Best lines are "it's eye-sex to watch Jeff shift his weight onto Drake and swing his left arm lazily as he stumbles through the streets" and "I want you to remember that I've always been against this kangaroo-lovin' hussy and that true love like Drake and Elena's never dies."


  1. hey there! heres some info I found...

    Steve Valentine plays Harry Flynn ("tip the odds back in our favor" guy from the trailer)

    In his official blog he talks about the role and reveals that he has been working a full year with Naughty Dog and that they are not even finish with the mo-cap scenes yet.

    (you have to scroll down the big picture)

  2. Thanks! It's going right up!
