Keeping you up-to-date on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,
including news, trailers, interviews, screenshots, theories, and more.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something That Caught My Eye

It's been a while since I've posted any "theories," and after redoing the blog's layout/color scheme I realized that if I'm going to have it listed up there in the site's description, I might as well throw some freaking theories around.

If you click on the blog entry title, it will take you to the official Playstation website for Uncharted 2 (the link on the side takes you to the hub for either 1 or 2, by the way). Looking at the "Features" section, I was struck by something interesting.

The first thing it says is about the "expanded cast of characters, including Chloe Frazer, Drake's current partner and new romantic interest."

...Drake's current partner?
That's a particularly interesting qualification to make.

I've tried to keep most of my recent speculation (in the wake of the E3 trailer) confined to a certain fan community on Livejournal, but I think this is something that can be legitimately pondered here without fear of ridicule for being a total fangirl for straying too much into "personal blog" rather than "professional blog" territory.

Specifying that Chloe is Drake's current partner implies that she might not remain his partner. Whether this is because she betrays him or dies I couldn't begin to guess, but the point here is that I'm getting a particular sense of Chloe and her storyline not necessarily being what it seems. Which of course we all knew, but seeing it written out like that tripped some wires that were until now only vague hopeful they're just slightly less vague and slightly more me thinking that Naughty Dog is stringing us along, like they did with keeping Elena under wraps.

Also, one other thing that no one seems to be talking about, is that Drake is looking for the Chintamani Stone. A sapphire that supposedly grants a wish.
Let me repeat that. IT GRANTS A WISH.
El Dorado turned out to be real, albeit not quite what we expected. Well, dollars to donuts says that the Chintamani Stone is going to make an appearance or two (it's probably going to be not quite what we think, but still).

My question is why has no one made a big to-do about what the implications are for the characters if they suddenly can have A WISH GRANTED!? The storytelling possibilities here are infinite.

Watch Anonymous pull something totally relevant out of the woodwork on it. "Oh, yeah, these guys over here have a whole forum thread about it, didn't you know?" :P


  1. post and take the glory away!? nah :p

    btw, love the theories! glad they are back.


  2. Hooray Theories!

    And a great new layout! It's looking rather snazzy.

  3. Aha! That is an interesting little find indeed!

    I agree, I think that ND is totally stringing us along and making Chloe seem like somebody she's not. If they kept Elena from us for so long, why not deceive us into thinking that Chloe is different than who she really is? Maybe they just really want everyone to think they're an item, so when/if she betrays him... or when/if something happens to her, it'll be more of a stab in the heart.

    Suffice to say, from what I've read about her so far, she doesn't seem to have a lot of likable or redeeming qualities (other than being Australian and hot). But maybe it's just me?

    And haha, nice that you mentioned our humble little LJ community... though I feel very bad that anyone who curiously clicked on the link was immediately bombarded with talk of Nate's butt. Eeeep.
